Volunteers form or join teams to have fun while fund raising and raising awareness from mid-March through mid-July. In July teams build camp sites and walk a track, just like in a Real World Relay. The teams, set up and decorate camp sites, and sell small items to help raise money just like at a local relay. Since this is a virtual environment however, there are some activities that are special to Second Life, such as, snail races, sail boat races, etc. In 2009, Relay For Life of Second Life raised $274,000 for the American Cancer Society. Relay For Life has become an international movement in RL and in SL. In 2009 participants from over 26 countries took part in Relay For Life of Second Life.
There are 7 additional sims in the middle of the O. 6 of those are event sims where live music and other events are held, to keep people from crowding the track sims. There is also a sim called Relay For Life inside the O, where you can get all the info about the event.
The following is from a note card about what to expect at Relay For Life 2010:
The Relay philosophy is: We are here so that those who face cancer will be supported, that those who have lost their battle will not be forgotten, and so that one day cancer will be eliminated.
On July 17th & 18th we will do just that. Below is a list of Ceremonies and Activities that will take place at the July 2010 Relay. It is a Relay tradition to keep one person from each team on the track at all times. We know that your teams will have a member walking the track all through the 24-hour period, as is the tradition of Relay any place or any time, but do take some time to participate in the ceremonies and various activities when you are not walking the track.
All ceremonies are broadcast live on the Official Radio Station for Relay - T1Radio and we encourage all camp sites to turn their streams to the station so everyone may hear the ceremonies.
Saturday, July 17th:
10:00am - 11am - Opening Ceremonies
11:00am - 12:00pm - Survivor Hour
12:00pm - 1:00pm - Caregivers Hour
9:00pm - 10:00pm - Luminary Ceremony
4:00pm - 5:30pm - Inspirational Storytelling Play
Sunday, July 18th:
6:00am - 7:00am - Fight Back Ceremony (The Cape Story)
7:00am - 8:30am - Live Auction done in Voice (entertainment sim)
9:00am - 10:00am -Closing Ceremonies
10:00am - FIREWORKS!
Themed Hours - Various stations and signs placed around the Relay sims will display which theme is scheduled for every hour. Get in the spirit and have some fun while walking the track! Have your banana suits and bicycles ready!
These activities will be happening around the clock:
Live Music - 4 sims are dedicated to stage area where all of our favourite Second Life live music artists will perform. A specially designed stage for the performers and a large open dance floor and dance machines for all to enjoy! Watch posted signs for scheduling!
The Scavenger Hunt - Hidden on each of the 4 corner sims on the Relay track (Dedication, Acceptance, Imagine, & Survive) are clues with a question related to cancer. Find the clue, answer the question correctly and get a prize. You may even learn a few things you did not know. Each question has 4 responses and you get 4 tries to answer it correctly, so keep trying till you get it right. You will then receive clues about the location of the next hidden question along the way.
Auctions - Silent Auction and Art Auctions. Silent auction will be going on from 10am - 10am, a full 24 hours!- Make your Bids! Incredible art items by some of the best artists in SL are up for bidding at the Silent Action. Memorable pieces honour survivors, caregivers, victims, and the fight against cancer itself, along with other pieces. The Silent Auction features clothings, one of a kind items, and so much more! If you have something you would like to see auctioned, please contact Mike Burleigh, all proceeds go to this year's Relay for Life!
Fishing - You know a diet healthy in fish is good for preventing cancer, so come catch your virtual dinner. Design has set up a beautiful area for fishing in our Water Sailing and Fishing sim. Visit the vendor on the dock, buy the supplies you need and fish! You may even amaze yourself with what you catch and the stories are good for a year about the one that got away! All proceeds go towards the Relay total, and it's FUN too!
Mining Roller Coaster in the Sky - Located on the Wish sim. Many cancer patients feel like they are on a roller coaster when they first discover they have been stricken by the disease. Take a ride on this wild coaster in the sky and see for yourself what it can be like.
Storytelling Play in the Park (4pm, sim to be determined)- An hour and a half of story telling fun. "The Fire is a haunting 18th century tale of murder, mystery, and mayhem. Follow American brat Frankey and Pete the peasant as they visit 1789 during a famine. Will Frankey redeem himself?" This play sends a message of strength and willpower, much like a cancer survivor, these traits are not an option, but a necessity.
Surfing - Catch a wave and ride it through! The tide is high and and perfect for a surf board to sail it to the end. Cancer patients can experience some rough waters as they work their way through weeks, months, and sometimes years of treatments. This also signifies the waves of emotion that come along with surviving these treatments.
There will be a few other attractions as well, such as a Riverboat on the sim named Treatment, and Water Slide Tubes on the Unity sim! Be sure and check it all out!
I would love to see your picture and videos!
Go Relay, donate and have fun.
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