With over 25 musicians to create music all weekend and a large open jam/collaborative session on Saturday 1st August from 9pm-midnight – this promises to be a carnival of music. The weekend theme is “collaboration” between musicians who have never played together and, of course, audience members, too.
Musicans you may hear over the weekend include XanderNichting Writer, Slim Warrior, Al Hoffman, Inchino Melson, Brad “JooZz” Monnett, Mar Biddle, Russell Eponym, Carah Nitely, Aurora Metaluna, Kaycee Drayman and Wannahave Ferraris, Blindboy Gumbo, Bara Jonson, and many more.
Portions of the ADMIRE event will be streamed into SL and there will be video uplinks, too.
The main SL location is the SLiteracy / PrimTings sims kindly provided by Ina Centaur: exact location is on the La Performance Stage in the sky above the center of the 4 connected sims:
The venue in RL is the Panhoven in Zevenaar, The Netherlands – a camping and hostel-type accomodation. Lots of places for musicians to jam, one big jam in the Conference Hall on the premisses on Saturday August 1, 12pm SLT (9pm local time)
Further info from the notecard givers in second life or from the management team:
Mar Biddle (Venue logistics)
Kaycee Drayman (Music Coordinator)
e-mail: admire@kayceenet.demon.nl; tel. +31 654 616 698
Wannahave Ferris (Local Coordrinator)
EdDereDde Laval (Stream Coordinator)
Inchino Melson (Bookings / PR)
e-mail: inchino@btconnect.com
Slim Warrior (Video Coordinator)
XanderNichting Writer (Sound Coordinator)
Cross post from (Franscharming.com)