Monday, August 11, 2008

Mono and llDetectedTouch() will roll out, starting today (Aug 11)

Mono is coming: at the latest Volunteer Meeting, Periapse Linden has announced that Mono and llDetectedTouch() would be rolled out this Monday as SL server 1.24 is going to be deployed on the grid!


  1. Server Version 1.24 is already on the Preview Grid in the "Second Life Beta Server" channel. However, the deploy to the production Second Life environment in fact will not be starting today, as we're still working on QA; it is more likely to start next week. Watch the main and status blogs for more updates as to when Server Version 1.24 will Second Life.

    Please come by and test it on the Preview Grid! That will increase the chances that when we do roll it out to Second Life, things will go as smoothly as possible.

    --Prospero Linden

  2. Thanks, Prospero! I just saw the announcement on the Official Linden Lab blog:

    ... and teleporting to Ahern I saw that Mono was already deployed there :)

    Good luck for the deployment!

  3. Here goes a cool trick to test Mono on the main grid:

    Using the Preview Grid SL client to login to the Main Grid

    Thanks for Tateru Nino for sharing this trick!
